Visitors Policy

Visitors Policy

We understand how anxious you may be as a patient’s relative to be here to hear good news such as “Improvement in patient condition”, or “Surgery went on well” etc. Amidst all these we would like to have your co-operation, so that we can help you in the best ways possible.

Kindly go through the following important information.

  • At the time of admission only ONE attendant pass and ONE visitor pass for a patient is given
  • Visitors should call the attendant over the house phone to get their pass to visit the patient.
  • Visitors are allowed as “one at a time basis “and not as “groups”. Change of attendant alone is permitted during Non – Visiting Hours
  • Children under the age of 15 are not allowed into the hospital premises unless they come as a patient, as they are more susceptible to infections
  • Once patient is shifted for surgery attendant has to vacate the room
  • Attendants can arrange accommodation outside the hospital when the patient is in the Post-Operative Ward (POW) which is usually for 24 to 72 hours following surgery
  • Accommodation facility for the attendant can be provided at MIOT guest house (Contact Extn: 69994 / +91 7708022003)
  • Following the surgery, patients will be shifted to POW. For updated information regarding POW Patients, attendant can contact admission desk / PRO
  • Patients and attendant are requested to take care of their belongings at all times. The MIOT management is not responsible for any theft or loss of valuables or any other belongings. Patients and attendant are also advised to safeguard their belongings in a locker provided by the hospital
  • Smoking and consumption of alcohol in the room or hospital premises by the patient or relative will result in denial of treatment and discharge of the patient
  • Tips to staff are strictly prohibited. If you wish to appreciate their hard work, you can contribute to the Employees Welfare Fund. Contact PRO for further information

Counselling hours

  • Patients’ attendees can meet the Doctors-in-charge
  • Family can talk to the patient (9.00am -7.00pm) over intercom number by dialing MIOT number & Extension numbers which will be given at the reception
Facility Counselling Hours
TICU (Main Building) 11.00am – 12.00noon
POW (Main Building) 3.00pm – 4.00pm
MICU (International Building) 10.00am – 11.00am
POW (International Building) 3.30pm – 4.00pm
Neuro ICU (International Building) 3.00pm – 5.00pm
CICU (MHRC) 12.00pm – 1.00pm
MICU (Medical Block) 12.30pm – 2.00pm
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