Past events at MIOT
MIOT HPBCON 2018 – a conference on liver and pancreatic disorders
Liver and pancreatic diseases, like most lifestyle diseases, are becoming increasingly common nowadays. In fact, the World Health Organization’s assessment states that by 2025, pancreatic cancer is going to become the leading cause of death. But unfortunately, Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary (HPB) cancers can only be diagnosed at an advanced stage, as they are mostly asymptomatic (showing no symptoms) and barely about 20% of those cancers are curable.

The Prelude
In the HPB world, due to technical difficulties, certain surgical procedures have been known to cause extreme complications in patients. And the death rate following such treatment methods are alarmingly high.
Sensing the complexity of these procedures, most specialists in the HPB fraternity normally refrain from taking up such life-threatening cases.
There has always been a sense of uncertainty while approaching such complex cases, formulating treatment / surgical protocols, post-operative management, etc.
Moreover, no forum has ever had the opportunity to discuss / share such HPB-case scenarios so far.
It’s about time someone starts a conversation about it.
With increased technological advancements in the fields of endoscopy, interventional radiology, neoadjuvant radiotherapy / chemotherapy and surgical gadgets to manage HPB cases, morbidity and mortality have reduced significantly. Also, the right solution to HPB disorders cannot be reached without the intervention of a multi-disciplinary team. To facilitate a positive outcome, it requires all the specialists to come together, discuss and draw an individual treatment plan for each patient.
The Eye-opener
To spread awareness about the latest advancements in these procedures and open up minds, we, the HPB and MAC-GILD department at MIOT International are organizing
MIOT HPBCON 2018, the first-of-its-kind conference on liver and pancreatic diseases
and their management.
This unique conference also aims to focus on the complications following HPB procedures, which include anticipation, prevention, correction and management in the best possible way.
Some of the most eminent minds in the field of HPB have been invited from across the country to share their valuable expertise on the subject.
Welcome to MIOT HPBCON 2018 – The first-of-its-kind conference on liver and pancreatic diseases and their management
MIOT International takes immense pleasure in organising this thematic conference – MIOT HPBCON 2018 and welcoming you to it.
We have invited renowned national faculties to present their immense experience in the HPB field and their optimal management of near-miss events. As HPB diseases require complex management issues that involve exposing the patients to near miss events, the participation of such distinguished minds will make the conference truly enriching.
This being a unique and first-of-its-kind conference, we expect students, post graduates, practising surgeons and physicians to benefit from it immensely. Also, MIOT HPBCON 2018 will provide the right platform for them to interact with the Who’s Who in the field of HPB.
600 delegates are expected to attend this 2 day conference on 18th & 19th August 2018 at MIOT International, Chennai.
Press Release Background
The surgical treatment of hepatopancreatobiliary (HPB) diseases requires complex operative procedures. In the last few decades, the morbidity (36-50 %) and mortality (<5 %) of these procedures could be reduced; nonetheless, postoperative complications still occur in 41.2 % of cases. Compared with hepatobiliary procedures, pancreatic surgery shows an increased rate of complications. Postoperative bleeding has a major effect on the outcome and the incidence is 6.7 % after pancreatic surgery and 3.2 % after hepatobiliary surgery.
Stages of Diagnosis
- Colon and Rectum – 50% of the cases are localized (early stages) while 30% are distant (after the disease spreads to multiple organs)
- Pancreas – Less than 10% of the cases are localized, while 50% are distant
- 14% for people with stage IA pancreatic cancer
- 1% for those with Stage IV pancreatic cancer
Tumors of liver and pancreas
- Dual disease – Liver tumor with cirrhosis and pancreatic tumor with chronic pancreatitis.
- Always complicated with metabolic derangement – Liver with renal and clotting problem, pancreas with diabetes.
- Very high morbidity – Can be lessened at a high volume center.
- Endoscopy and interventional radiology revolutionized the HPB disease management.
Press Release Case Study
Case 1: 8 years of agony resolved at MIOT International
for a 43-year-old lady from Dubai
43-year-old Mrs. Veeramustti Subhashini from Dubai, a known case of diabetes and hypothyroidism was presented to MIOT Hospitals. She also had persistent cough and discharge of greenish sputum for the last 10 days, along with a history of recurrent fever.
Her past medical history revealed that 8 years ago, she had undergone Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy at a hospital in Dubai to have her gall bladder removed because of gall bladder stones.
Even post-surgery, she had episodes of persistent cough. The Doctors doubted that it might be TB and advised her to be on Anti-TB Medications. As days went by, her cough started again and it became more frequent. Adding to it was her multiple joint pains, which made her very weak. So the Doctors put her on MDR TB (Multi Drug Resistant TB), the second line of treatment for TB. She was on TB medication for almost 4 years, and it still did her no good.
1 year ago, she fell sick with high fever. She suddenly started losing weight and had profuse sweating. Not able to find a solution in Dubai, she was brought to a Hospital in Chennai. The Doctors diagnosed her with liver abscess, which was drained completely in the same hospital. Still, there was no solution to her problem.
After a few months, she developed incisional hernia as a complication, due to the previous surgery. On examination and investigation, she was identified to have jaundice. Her scans revealed that she had a solid unusual mass in the liver, which the Doctors suggested to be either Cancer or Tuberculosis. Adding more intensity to the case, she started coughing with a discharge of greenish coloured sputum. Not able to handle her case further, the Doctors referred her to MIOT International for further diagnosis and treatment.
At MIOT, she met the HPB team, who advised her for Investigations, which revealed the presence of a complex fistula (A FISTULA is an abnormal connection between two hollow spaces) connecting the right lobe of the liver and the lower portion of the right lung.
On 18th July 2018, she underwent right hepatectomy (a procedure in which the right lobe of the liver is removed), excision of the fistulous tract, partial excision of the diaphragm and the involved lower lobe of right lung also.
On taking a biopsy of the removed liver, it was identified that she had atypical tuberculosis (type of TB which is caused by Non-TB causing bacteria, but the symptoms are TB-like).
Post Treatment at MIOT:
Post-surgery, she is on medications. Now she does not have cough, fever or any other problems that tormented her for 8 years. She is now symptom-free and is leading a normal life.
Case 2: Asymptomatic Liver Cancer
Mr. Sambamoorthi, 53 years old, came to MIOT International in August 2017 with complaints of anal fistula. On meeting the HPB Doctors team, he was advised to undergo
a surgery to correct the fistula. As part of pre-surgery investigation, he had to take an ultrasound scan, which revealed the presence of an unusual mass within the liver, which was suggestive of cancer. He had no history of jaundice, abdominal pain, loss of weight and appetite. But on taking a CT scan, it was confirmed that he had liver cancer.
Mr. Sambamoorthi says “I was very aware of my liver condition. I go on regular check-ups. My previous Doctor did tell me about the presence of an unusual mass in the liver, but did not tell me that it was related to cancer.”
The MIOT Doctors advised him for surgery immediately. With a lot of hesitation, he agreed to the surgery. The Doctors removed the mass from within the liver. It weighed almost
2 kgs, i.e., 60% of the liver was removed.
Post Treatment at MIOT:
He says “I am a really lucky person. I never imagined it to be cancer. I had mild swelling in that region, but cancer was something that I had never anticipated. A big thanks to MIOT International for saving my life.”
A scan done 1 year post-surgery revealed no evidence of cancer and his liver had grown back to its full size.