Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Imaging, the ‘visual inspection of internal organs without an incision’, is integral to making an accurate diagnosis, charting a treatment course and planning every aspect of a surgery. MIOT’s Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences is one of the most advanced facilities in the country and on par with healthcare institutions in the West.
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH)

MIOT International is accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH), established by the Quality Council of India. The board has established exhaustive healthcare standards for medical institutions in the country with stringent objective elements, all of which MIOT Hospitals is compliant with.
Valid until: Feb 17th 2025
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories Certificate of Accreditation – Department of laboratory Medicine

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) is an autonomous body under the aegis of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, and is registered under the Societies Act 1860. NABL provides laboratory accreditation services to laboratories that are performing tests / calibrations in accordance with ISO 15189:2012 for medical laboratories.
NABL accreditation system complies with ISO/IEC 17011:2004 and Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) MR001. Based on evaluation of NABL operations by APLAC in 2000, NABL has been granted signatory member status by APLAC and International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) under their Mutual Recognition arrangements (MRAs).
Certificate No: MC-2982
Valid until: 17th October 2023
Scope of testing
- Chemical Biochemistry
- Hematology & Immunohematology
- Clinical pathology
- Microbiology & Serology
- Histopathology & Cytopathology
National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH)

MIOT International has been assessed and found to comply with NABH accreditation standards for medical imaging services.
Valid until: April 28th 2026
Sigma metric verification of performance

MIOT Hospitals becomes the 1st laboratory in India to achieve the Sigma Verification of Performance. MIOT has proved being a living example of a department showing great courage to “think out of the box ” by implementing Sigma across all phases of the laboratory testing process from the time of lab test billing to reporting of patient results.
The word Sigma is a “measure of reduction errors in a work process”. Sigma is a numerical grading system starting from 1 to 6 and above. “Higher the grade of Sigma, lesser the number of errors, which ultimately signifies better quality”. The Sigma concept was introduced into the world of industry in 1980 to improve quality and it became a dictum in industrial sector that when the quality of a product or a process reaches a Sigma score of “six” (SIX SIGMA), the product or process has reached “world-class quality “!! .
The idea behind implementation of Sigma in the field of Clinical Laboratory Medicine was conceptualised in early 2000 by Sir. James Westgard, considered as the ‘Father of Quality of Modern Laboratory Medicine’. The key objectives of this ideology was to bring in an order to objectively monitor, measure and reduce the errors in results reported by a Clinical Laboratory, since more than 70% of clinical decisions are made based on the Laboratory results.
Westgard Corporation initiated a sigma certification program in the USA for medical laboratories a decade back. Many medical testing laboratories from around the world have enrolled for this program and achieved Six Sigma certification from Westgard, except laboratories from India. The Department of Laboratory Medicine, MIOT Hospitals is the first in India to drive the noble initiative in implementing the concept of sigma in hospital practice and having succeeded in achieving Six Sigma certification from Westgard Corporation.
Implementation of sigma as a quality tool across all phases of testing in a clinical laboratory significantly helps to improve patients ‘ safety, by reducing the errors and improving the quality of results reported to patients.
The widespread fear in the minds of many clinical laboratories moving in the path of national accreditation bodies like National Accreditation Board for Medical Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) and international accreditation bodies like the College of American Pathologists (CAP) regarding the use of sigma in quality management shall be eradicated from their minds, since none of the accrediting bodies are against the use of quality tools like sigma or lean as a part of quality management system.
The Department of Laboratory Medicine, MIOT Hospitals has ultimately succeeded in becoming the first Indian laboratory to receive Westgard Six Sigma certification and implementing Sigma as part of laboratory practice across all phases of testing process for patient safety.
For more information on certification :
MIOT International is Recognized as a Member of CLSI

The clinical and laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) is a not-for-profit membership organization that brings together the varied expertise of the worldwide laboratory community for the advancement of a common cause: developing and implementing clinical laboratory standards and guidelines that help laboratories fulfill their responsibilities with efficiency, effectiveness and global applicability.
Valid until: Sep 30th 2021
Recognition for Quality and Excellence
Accreditation by the Indian Health Organisation
MIOT International has been independently assessed and accredited by the Indian Health Organization for its compliance with the principles and practice of clinical governance as defined and laid down by the Indian Health Organization.
Certificate of Compliance from Quality Council of India (2013 – 2015)
MIOT Laboratory Services was awarded this certification in recognition of standards that reflect internationally-accepted processes and procedures for clinical laboratories that consistently produce accurate results. The Essential Standards incorporate a step-wise improvement process and create the foundation for compliance with ISO 15189 – the global standard for quality and competence in medical laboratories.
Sophisticated Imaging Equipment
The department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at MIOT International is equipped with sophisticated imaging equipment, which includes multiple digital X-Ray units, multiple portable X-Ray units with computerised radiography, colour Doppler ultrasound units, 750 HD Whole Body CT Scan, 1.5 T Whole Body MRI HDxt, digital mammography with contrast-enhanced mammography and tomographic mammography with stereotactic biopsy and bone-mineral densitometry.Ultrasonography Modalities
MIOT International has a 4D ultrasound with colour Doppler as well as portable 3D colour Doppler and intra-operative colour units. These enable physicians and surgeons to get a better view of the abdomen, chest, thyroid, breast, scrotum and musculo-skeletal system. They also enable liver elastography, which is performed routinely.
We use the most recent ultrasound machines to perform routine as well as special ultrasound imaging, as well as ultrasound guided biopsies.
750 HD CT Scan
MIOT is the first hospital in India to have a 750 HD CT scan with dual energy imaging. Patients benefit as the high-resolution, high-definition images aid in accurate diagnosis, there is minimal radiation exposure, and the whole body can be scanned in under a minute. This also translates into greater comfort for the patient.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
The state-of-the-art 3T MRI enables Imaging of the whole body, including routine studies of the breast, small joints, brain and spine. Specialised studies such as spectroscopy, diffusion tensor imaging, MR angiography, and MR mammography are also carried out.
4D Echocardiography
4D echo machines like the IE 333, which have a transesophageal probe, are helpful for patients who require a valve replacement.
Digital Mamma-tomography
For the first time in the country, digital mamma-tomography and contrast-enhanced mammography is available at MIOT International. This enables the detection of lesions hidden even in dense breasts as well as the differentiation between scar tissue and recurrent tumours. This aids the detection of multicentric tumours in the early stages. Lesions identified using mammography are screened with ultrasound equipped with elastography and all suspicious lesions are biopsied, employing either an imaging ultrasound or imaging the specialised stereotactic biopsy system. Early detection translates into early treatment and a better chance of a normal life.
Services Offered
Special Studies performed using the 750 HD CT
- Whole body angiograms including coronary angiogram
- Perfusion studies – brain, liver etc
- Colonography, colonoscopy
- Renal stone characterisation
- Dynamic 4D angiogram
- Kinematic studies of joints
- Studies of flow in calcified vessels
Applications of the 1.5T HDxt
- MR angiography
- MRI perfusion and diffusion studies
- MR spectroscopy
Ultrasound Services
- Routine ultrasound examinations
- Obstetric scan with 4D imaging and foetal echocardiography
- Abdominal, peripheral and renal doppler
- Superficial parts ultrasound and sonomammography
- Trans vaginal and trans rectal scan
- Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration and biopsy