Skin Disorders

  • Psoriasis / White spots / Vitiligo / Skin Allergies / Acne / Skin Infections
  • Autoimmune Conditions: SLE / Dermatomyositis / Blistering Diseases
  • Atopic dermatitis / Chronic Urticarial / Genital Dermatosis
  • Cosmetic Problems: Facial Pigmentation / Botox / Scar Treatment / Laser Treatment / Mole Removal
  • Hair-related Problems: Hairloss / Dandruff Problem / Alopecia / PRP Therapy
  • Nail-related Problems: Nail Dystrophy / Nail Psoriasis / Ingrown Toenails

MIOT Skin Disorders

Clinic Details

Date: 25th & 26th June 2023
Venue: Image Centre, H. Shady Palm, Hithaffinivaa Magu, Male, Maldives

*Prior registration mandatory. Please carry previous medical records, if any

MIOT Clinic Details

Doctor image

Visiting MIOT Dermatologist

Dr. Sooriya Sekar

MD, DNB, FRGUHS (Dermatosurgery)
Dermatologist, MIOT International

Dr. Sooriya Sekar, has a fellowship in Dermatosurgery. She has expertise in diagnosing and treating various diseases of the skin, hair and nail. Dr. Sooriya has performed many vitiligo surgeries, scar revision surgeries, cosmetology and laser procedures. Also, well-trained in botox and fillers and non-surgical facelift.

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Appointment Closed

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