MIOT Institute of Cancer Cure
Medical Oncology
The MIOT Institute of Cancer Cure offers the latest chemotherapeutic treatments, including sophisticated medications, that target specific cancer cells and spare the normal ones. Pre-medications to control and offset side-effects enable our patients to complete their treatment cycles without the dreaded side-effects.
A new sensitivity
In medical oncology, our specialists treat cancers with medication. Chemotherapy, along with radiation and/or surgery, can completely destroy the disease in the early stages of cancer. In the advanced stages, it improves the quality of the patient’s life. In blood-related cancers, such as lymphomas and leukaemia, and germ-cell cancers, chemotherapy often plays a curative role.
Today, there are a number of chemotherapeutic treatments available that root out the disease completely without harming the patient’s normal cells. Some drugs are available in oral form, thus eliminating the need for prolonged intravenous infusions and hospital stays. These newer medications are safer and less toxic than previously and are, therefore, better tolerated by the patient’s system.

Upgrading the chemo-cocktail
Chemotherapy interferes with a cancer cell’s ability to divide and reproduce. These drugs can be delivered into the patient’s bloodstream to attack cancer cells throughout the patient’s system, or they can be delivered directly to specific cancer sites.
MIOT’s experienced oncologists are abreast with the latest oral and injectible drugs, including those that target and cure specific cancers. They carefully plan each patient’s treatment cycle and monitor its effectiveness closely. The combination of drugs is prepared under an infection-free laminar hood to maintain their effectiveness.
A course of chemotherapy may be just a one-day treatment, or it can last for a few weeks, depending on the type and stage of the cancer. Most patients need regular chemotherapy over a specific period of time to achieve optimal results. The treatment plan specifies when treatment sessions will be held and for how long. If the patient requires more than one course of treatment, a rest period is included between treatments for his/her body to recover.
Zeroing-in on cancers
Aside from chemotherapeutic agents, there are drugs that hinder cancer-cell growth by blocking male and female hormones, or by blocking certain receptors on the cancer cells and inhibiting their activity. Unlike chemo drugs, these agents are selective to cancer cells and have minimal effect on other cells in the body. They are called biological agents and the treatment is referred to as targeted therapy. These agents may be in the form of tablets or injections, and are indicated in certain types of cancer.
MICC offers the latest targeted-drugs for cancers of the breast, lung, head and neck, etc., and for lymphomas and colorectal cancers.
When is targeted therapy used?
Depending on the type and stage of the cancer, our oncologists may recommend chemotherapy or targeted therapy for one of the following:
- As a sole curative therapy in cancers such as testicular cancers, lymphomas and leukaemia
- As neo-adjuvant therapy before surgery, to shrink the tumour and to facilitate the surgery
- As adjuvant therapy after the surgical removal of tumours of the breast, colon, etc., to delay or prevent their recurrence
- As palliative therapy to control the spread of disease and prolong or improve the quality of life in advanced, incurable disease
Managing side-effects
Chemotherapeutic drugs kill cancer cells. However, they often do not discriminate between the cancer cells and the normal cells of the body, such as hair, skin, epithelium and blood cells, leading to effects such as hair loss , skin changes, gastrointestinal problems, anaemia and immune-dysfunction. It was often said of chemotherapy that the treatment is worse than the disease.
At MlCC, our specialists aim to anticipate and manage these side-effects with pre-medications. Our trained and empathetic nurses use their expertise and the latest chemo-delivery devices to make treatment easier. This helps patients complete their planned drug-cycles with minimal discomfort.
Treatments & Procedures
- Conventional chemotherapy
- Biological therapy / targeted therapy
- Stem cell transplantation (bone marrow & peripheral blood stem cell transplantation)